Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reflections and Resolutions!

            It was a year ago today when I sat up and said, “Somebody should write a book about vampires at DragonCon. That would be funny.” I often summon that mythical someone to fix broken things, invent awesome technology, right the wrongs of the universe, and take out the garbage. Not me--somebody. (Ok, the last one I summon my hubbie for.)
            Well, it was me this time. (Not the garbage -Ewww, no -the book!) New Year’s Eve is about reflection and resolutions.  So much about me and my life has changed over the course of the year. I don’t even think 2008 & 2009 versions of me would recognize each other.  And I love it! I started out 2009 on a whim, and I’m ending it with a dream.
            In the past year, I accomplished the following:
-          Wrote Iron Thirst and revised the crap out of it. (Isn’t that so eloquently put? Maybe I should go into literary fiction with prose like that.)
-          Completed two short stories.
-          Joined the Atlanta Writers Club and Sisters in Crime
-          Took two “Pitch” workshops and one Fiction Workshop.
-          Schooled myself on the mad art of query writing and the dark scary world of publishing.
-          Entered WOW! Fall Flash Fiction contest.
-          Started two new novels, about 10K words into them.
-          Started a blog and bribed 17 people to follow me. (Check’s in the mail, I swear.)
I accomplished other in my personal life, but I’ll stick to the writing world in this post. But not bad for not even knowing that I had the ability to write a novel.
So onward and upward. I have some pretty hefty goals for 2010, but let’s stick with the ones that I have control over.
-          Query Iron Thirst with great passion both written and verbally.
-          Finish a second novel. Either one of those that have been patiently waiting on me or a brand new one. I will have to follow my instincts on that one, and currently they are off on holiday. (My instincts are very British.)
-          Join the Romance Writers of America, both nationally and my local chapter.
-          Attend the Atlanta Writers Conference, and one other large one that involves me getting my happy self on a plane.
-          Write two more short stories for contest submission.
-          Continue to grow the blog. (AKA write more checks.)
-          Develop a strong writing schedule.
I have a feeling that this is going to be a great year & an even better decade.  I wish you all the best! May all your dreams come true in 2010.  Sorry this is a short post for me, but there is much drinking to be done.
Happy New Year!!


  1. Fantastic list and witty as always. I know how slow the mail can be so I'm patiently waiting for my check. It gets bigger the longer it takes to arrive, right?


  2. Impressive list; both the 2009 and the future wishes. Good luck with querying IRON THIRST. It sounded like an amazing book.


  3. Thanks guys! Who knows what's in store for us this year! :-)

    Michele - thanks so much for the award! That's awesome.
