Thursday, January 28, 2010

Land of Excuses and the Procrast-o-Nation

The results are in, and I am officially in a slump. Why? Oh, I have a ton of “reasons”. Let’s see… First, there was the holidays – so much to do. Then there was the clean up after. Umm… The week to get my head together. Don’t forget the one centimeter of snow that closed school, a case of the sniffles that stopped my brain, the one-night house guest that stayed for three after he came down with a stomach virus and puked on my clean, folded clothes. (Seriously, dat ain’t fiction.) Now it’s nearly Thursday – I can start fresh next week.

See, I have been gearing up for a round of edits and for some reason I have been avoiding it like the dentist, which I even scheduled that. What am I so afraid of?

But the sad thing is, when I wasn’t up to the task of edits previously I moved on. I started a new project. Starting airing up a new character. But this time I know this is what I need to do. I keep picturing a game of Mortal Kombat, and the guy standing there swaying like me on my birthday, and the deep voice saying, “Finish him.” But I’m frozen.

Why do we procrastinate? Is it fear of failure? Fear of success? Gearing up for the stacks of “no’s” that are coming when I finish the edits, and start querying. I’ll lay on the couch and let you vivisect me this time.

I’ve been reading the blogs and notice a trend of many of my fellow bloggists (go with it) struggling. It helps to know I’m not alone. Is there some sort of anti-writing season, a time of year that’s bad? Can we blame it on the economy? What gives-and how do we move forward?

Sing Kumbaya with me, and let’s press the A B Up Down button together and KO this thing.


  1. We can blame it on all those things. They sound accurate to me.

    I'm blaming my three day slump on my laptop freaking out and having to send it away for service. It doesn't matter that I have four other computers to work on and a thumb drive with all my projects right next to me. I'm just not in the zone. :(

    Monday, we move forward! I will if you will. ;)

  2. I'm in. I am working through the ms today to figure out my game plan. It seems I always have a different one for each set of revisions. Trying to avoid the definition of crazy, and all. Haha. Welcome, BTW!!
